干净自由的情感句子英文版带翻译 篇一
1、英文版: In the quiet night, my heart finds peace, free from all clutter.
翻译: 在宁静的夜晚,我的心找到了平静,摆脱了所有的纷扰。
2、英文版: The breeze whispers secrets, carrying a sense of pure, unchained freedom.
翻译: 微风低语着秘密,带来一种纯净无拘的自由感。
3、英文版: My soul dances in the sunlight, unburdened by the shadows of the past.
翻译: 我的灵魂在阳光下起舞,不再受过去阴影的束缚。
4、英文版: Clean emotions flow like a river, uncontaminated by the pollution of doubt.
翻译: 纯净的情感如河流般流淌,不受怀疑污染的玷污。
5、英文版: Freedom is the silent melody that plays within, guiding me towards a serene heart.
翻译: 自由是内心奏响的静默旋律,引领我走向宁静的心灵。
干净自由的情感句子英文版带翻译 篇二
1、英文版: The sky, vast and clear, mirrors the purity of my unfettered emotions.
翻译: 广阔而清澈的天空,映照着我无拘无束情感的纯净。
2、英文版: In the embrace of nature, I find a sense of freedom that words cannot describe.
翻译: 在自然的怀抱中,我找到了一种言语无法描述的自由感。
3、英文版: My heart, like an open book, reveals its clean, unadulterated feelings to the world.
翻译: 我的心像一本打开的书,向世界展示着它纯净无瑕的情感。
4、英文版: The wind carries my thoughts, free and unencumbered, across the endless horizon.
翻译: 风带着我的思绪,自由而不受阻碍,跨越无垠的天际。
5、英文版: Emotions, unchained and pure, flow through my veins like a crystal-clear stream.
翻译: 纯净无拘的情感在我的血脉中流淌,如同清澈见底的溪流。